Friday, 9 January 2015

Me-109 G6... my tribute to the top one fighter pilot

Surely, this aircraft model is one of the most common places in any site in the web. The profusion of schemes that Luftwaffe fighter planes wore is a fatal attraction to any modeller.
I was one of those who one time said "never more another Messer or Spit or Mustang", but is inevitable...the eternal beauty of this machine will catch our attention again and again.

This time, I succumbed to Academy kit 1/48 that brings me the possibility to make a model of a mount of the greatest top fighter pilot of all times...the young Erich Hartmann.

This specific model was used by Hartmann in 1943 when he was just the new star arising and shining in the Luftwaffe constellation, with just 21 years old.

There are some pictures of "Bubi" Hartmann resting alongside this aircraft in Internet, so is not difficult to replicate the camo scheme of this "yellow 1" G6 (Werke Nr 20499).


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